Best CAA ASHA Accredited Masters Degree Programs Online

Last updated May 2, 2024
Best CAA ASHA Accredited Masters Degree Programs Online By Amy Yacoub, MS, CCC-SLP
Amy Yacoub, MS, CCC-SLP
Current SLP, MS in SLP, Columbia University in the City of New York
School Program Admissions
Emerson College Master's in Speech-Language Pathology
No GRE required, prepares you to pursue certification as an SLP generalist. As few as 20 months to complete. CAA-ASHA accredited.
Pepperdine University Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology
All courses and clinical requirements are designed to meet CAA and ASHA requirements. Three start dates per year: Fall (August), Spring (January), and Summer (May). Full-time (five trimesters) or part-time (eight trimesters) options available. No GRE scores required.
New York University Online MS Program in Speech-Language Pathology
Prepares students to pursue SLP licensure. Full-time and part-time plans of study. CAA-ASHA Accredited. No GRE Required.
University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology (MS-SLP)
20 month CAA-ASHA accredited Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology program. Complete coursework online & gain hands-on practice at either our Austin or Dallas, TX; or San Marcos, California campus. No GRE required!
i sponsored

There are 28 online SLP degree programs that are accredited by the CAA of the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA). The CAA, Council on the Academic Accreditation in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology, is an entity within ASHA that establishes and enforce a set of standards for accreditation of SLP graduate programs.

CAA accredited MSLP programsMasters degrees in Speech Language Pathology (Master of Science, MS, or Master of Arts, MA) are offered and accredited by CAA-ASHA. Overall there are over 300 universities with a degree in audiology, speech-language pathology, or hearing science available and accredited by CAA-ASHA. There are also doctorate of speech language pathology degrees accredited by the CAA. We will only review the online Masters in Speech Language Pathology programs on this page. View all speech pathology schools by state here, where we have listings of all CAA accredited SLP programs.

Are there online MSLP programs accredited by the CAA ASHA?

There are 28 online MSLP programs accredited by the CAA. The online MSLP programs are offered across the United States and some programs may require a campus visit or two to complete clinical work. Check the reviews of the top MSLP programs accredited by the CAA below for detail on campus visit requirements and be sure to speak with the admissions representation at the school to verify what campus visits are required.

School Program Admissions
Emerson College Master's in Speech-Language Pathology
✓ ASHA Accredited
Pepperdine University Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology
Designed to meet CAA-ASHA requirements
New York University Online MS Program in Speech-Language Pathology
✓ CAA-ASHA Accredited
Arizona State University Online Bachelor of Science in Speech and Hearing Science
University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology (MS-SLP)
✓ CAA-ASHA Accredited
i sponsored

Click for more online speech therapy programs that are currently taking applications.

In Depth Review of Top Online ASHA CAA Accredited SLP Programs

Emerson College: Master's in Speech-Language Pathology

Emerson College CAA Accredited Online Masters in Speech-Language Pathology
  • Campus: Boston, Massachusetts (Online MSLP)
  • Program length: 20 months (5 term track) or 36 months (9 term track)
  • Starts: January, May, and September (3 cohorts offered each year). Rolling admissions.
  • Campus visit/clinical requirements: Two on-campus immersions in Boston are required.
  • Tuition: $75,708 minimum if no foundational courses are needed. $100,944 minimum if applicant is required to enroll in all 6 foundational courses. Tuition is $1,402 per credit. Additional fees each semester are required for items such as test protocols, an enrollment deposit, and travel expenses for on-campus immersions.

Courses: Foundational (undergraduate) courses (18 credits total) are offered to graduate students who do not have a background in speech-language pathology or are unable to waive these courses. 54 Credits are required to complete the program online.

  • Autism: Social Communication Development and Disorder (3 credits): Students are given an overview of autism spectrum disorder, including the identifying characteristics, diagnosis, and treatment. This course reviews social communication development and the impact of these skills on peer relationships, cognition, and language.
  • Augmentative and Alternative Communication (3 credits): An overview of AAC systems is discussed. This course covers procedures for selecting and implementing AAC with children and adults.
  • Language and Communication in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals (3 credits): Students will gain an understanding of the field of audiology as it relates to speech-language pathologists' practice. This course will discuss techniques for audiological testing and screening, how to interpret results of audiology testing, and methods for habilitation and rehabilitation.

University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences: Master of Science in Speech-Language Pathology

University of Saint Augustine CAA Accredited Online Masters in Speech-Language Pathology
  • Campuses: Austin and Dallas, Texas; San Marcos, California (Online MSLP)
  • Program length: 1 years and 8 months (5 trimesters)
  • Starts: Spring, Summer, and Fall intakes offered
  • Campus visit/clinical requirements: On-campus residency experiences are required during 4 semesters for a few days in Austin, Dallas, or San Marcos. Students complete assessments and provide therapy via Telehealth for the university's clinic.
  • Tuition: $69,935. Total program cost (including other fees, books, and expenses): $76.385
  • Courses: 6 leveling courses are offered as prerequisites for the program, for students needing to complete these prior to entering the graduate program.

    • Clinical Neuroscience for Speech-Language Pathology (3 credits): Discusses neuroanatomy and neurophysiology as it relates to the functions of language, speech, cognition, swallowing, and hearing. This course emphasizes the clinical application of these foundations in neurological conditions.
    • Voice & Velopharyngeal Disorders (3 credits): This course discusses diagnosis, theory, and treatment of voice disorders (including those that are organic, neurogenic, psychogenic, and functional). The course examines implications for clinical practice across varied cultural populations.
    • Motor Speech and Cognitive-Communication Disorders (3 credits): An examination of motor speech disorders, both developmental and acquired. Students will learn about apraxia of speech and dysarthria. This course also examines cognitive-communication disorders, such as TBI and dementia, including an emphasis on the etiology, characteristics, and treatment of such disorders.

New York University (NYU) Steinhardt: Master of Science (MS) in Communicative Sciences and Disorders

NYU CAA Accredited Online Masters in Speech-Language Pathology degree
  • Campus: New York City, New York (Online MSLP)
  • Program length: 6 semesters (full time); 8 semesters (part time)
  • Starts: January and September start dates offered. Rolling admissions.
  • Campus visit/clinical requirements: Two 3-4 day immersions at NYC campus are required. 3 clinical field placements (treatment, pediatrics, and adults) required, which can be located close to the student's place of residence. 375 direct clinical contact hours required.
  • Tuition: Approximately $100,848 (Not including foundational courses. If required, these could range from 2 to 14 credits). Students are responsible for travel and costs in NYC during the 2 required immersions.
  • Courses:48 graduate-level credits required

    • Language Development and Disorders in School-Aged Children (3 credits): Students will learn about the processes of reading and writing in children with speech and language disorders. This course discusses the role of the SLP in working with school-aged children, including those with reading disabilities, and speech and language disorders.
    • Dysphagia in Children and Adults (3 credits): This course discusses swallowing disorders in children and adults. The association between dysphagia and structural, behavioral, and neurological disorders is discussed. Assessment and treatment of swallowing disorders are addressed.
    • Neurogenic Speech Disorders in Children (2 credits): This course if offered as an elective, and discusses the etiology of cerebral palsy and related disorders of speech and language. The course explores clinical assessment and treatment of neurogenic speech disorders in children.

In depth review of all ASHA-CAA Accredited online SLP graduate programs

University of South Carolina: Master of Science (MS) in Speech-Language Pathology

Columbia, SC
The University of South Carolina offers an online Master of Science (MS) degree through the distance education program (MS-DE) within the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders. A mission of the department is to educate students to become leading researchers and clinical scientists in their work as future Speech-Language Pathologists.

Program Length: 3 or 4 years (dependent upon undergraduate SLP background)

Starts: Summer (if SLP background courses have already been completed). Fall (for students needing to complete background coursework, which takes up to two semesters)

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Clinical requirements are completed at a variety of practicum sites nationwide (including hospitals, rehab centers, public schools, and private practices). Practicum sites are reported to be limited in certain areas, such as those with a high bomber of students from other SLP graduate programs, metropolitan areas with long commutes, an rural areas that have potentially limited placement sites.

Courses: Courses are taken on a part-time basis (6-8 semester hours per semester). 3 of 4 summer semesters are received for clinical practicum experiences.

Clinical Evaluation in Communicative Disorders (1-3 credits): Students learn about the procedures for evaluation of areas such as articulation disorders, stuttering, aphasia, and cleft palate.

Laryngectomy Clinical Management (1-3) credits: This course examines the clinical management of laryngeal patients, both pre- and postoperative. An emphasis on communication and related difficulties is discussed.

Pediatric Feeding and Swallowing Disorders: Evaluation and Therapy (2 credits): This course examines typical and disordered anatomy and physiology of feeding and swallowing in children from birth up to 18 years-old.

Tuition: $7,867 per semester (resident) and $16,180 (non-resident)

Unique offering: Additional academic and clinical opportunities are offered in the areas of auditory-verbal/cochlear implants and neurogenic disorders. Students receive specialized training in therapy techniques within these areas.

New York University (NYU) Steinhardt: Master of Science (MS) in Communicative Sciences and Disorders 

New York, NY

Program Length: 6 semesters (full time); 8 semesters (part time)

Starts: January and September start dates offered. Rolling admissions.

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Two 3-4 day immersions at NYC campus are required. 3 clinical field placements (treatment, pediatrics, and adults) required, which can be located close to the student’s place of residence. 375 direct clinical contact hours required.

Courses: 48 graduate-level credits required

Language Development and Disorders in School-Aged Children (3 credits): Students will learn about the processes of reading and writing in children with speech and language disorders. This course discusses the role of the SLP in working with school-aged children, including those with reading disabilities, and speech and language disorders.

Dysphagia in Children and Adults (3 credits): This course discusses swallowing disorders in children and adults. The association between dysphagia and structural, behavioral, and neurological disorders is discussed. Assessment and treatment of swallowing disorders are addressed.

Neurogenic Speech Disorders in Children (2 credits): This course if offered as an elective, and discusses the etiology of cerebral palsy and related disorders of speech and language. The course explores clinical assessment and treatment of neurogenic speech disorders in children.

Tuition: Approximately $100,848 (Not including foundational courses. If required, these could range from 2 to 14 credits). Students are responsible for travel and losing costs in NYC during the 2 required immersions.

Unique offering: Study abroad opportunity in countries such as Sweden or Ghana.

University of South Florida: Master of Science (MS)

Tampa, FL
The University of South Florida (USF) offers a Suncoast Master’s Consortium Track that allows Bachelor’s level students to complete their Master’s degree while working full time as Speech-Language Clinicians (such as SLPAs) in one of the Suncoast Consortium school districts.

Program Length: 3 years (3 semesters each year)

Starts: Fall

Campus visit/clinical requirements: A combination of distance and on-site teaching is offered. A practicum at Lakeland Regional Health Medical Center in Lakeland, FL is completed during the second summer of the program. An externship in an adult setting affiliated with USF such as a hospital, nursing home, and rehabilitation center is completed during final summer semester.

Courses: 9 semesters of courses (62 credit hours), which offer the same curriculum as what is taught in the fully on-campus track.

Tuition: $877.17 per credit hour (non-Florida residents, $54,384.54 total); $431.43 per credit hour (Florida resident, $26,748.66 total)

Unique offering: Students enrolled in this program are able to complete Master’s level coursework while working full time as a Speech-Language Clinician in a school.

California State University, San Marcos: Master of Science (MS)

San Marcos, CA

Program Length: 8 semesters for part-time online program

Starts: Fall

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Two evening classes per week at the CSUSM campus and live local clinics. All other coursework is provided in an asynchronous online format. 400 supervised hours in speech-language pathology in community based practice is required.

Courses: 76 total semester credit hours

Bilingual/Bicultural Practice Issues in SLP (Lecture/Lab) (3 credits): This course discusses the assessment and intervention practices with bilingual children. Students will also learn about typical language development in bilingual children, and the presentation of language impairments in this population.

Seminar in Autism Spectrum Disorders (2 credits): This course explores autism spectrum disorders across the lifespan, including current practices in assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.

Motor Speech Disorders (3 credits): This course discusses the symptomatology and etiology of motor speech disorders in children and adults. Students will learn about procedures for evaluation and intervention for motor speech disorders.

Tuition: $599.00 per credit hour (76 credit hours required); $45,524 total

Unique offering: A fully online SLP preparation program is available for students needing to complete undergraduate prerequisite coursework for the Masters Program.

University of St. Augustine for Health Sciences: Master of Science (MS)

Austin, TX

Program Length: 1 years and 8 months (5 trimesters)

Starts: Spring, Summer, and Fall intakes offered

Campus visit/clinical requirements: On-campus residency experiences are required during 4 semesters for a few days in Austin, Dallas, or San Marcos. Students complete assessments and provide therapy via Telehealth for the university’s clinic.

Courses: 6 leveling courses are offered as prerequisites for the program, for students needing to complete these prior to entering the graduate program.

Clinical Neuroscience for Speech-Language Pathology (3 credits): Discusses neuroanatomy and neurophysiology as it relates to the functions of language, speech, cognition, swallowing, and hearing. This course emphasizes the clinical application of these foundations in neurological conditions.

Voice & Velopharyngeal Disorders (3 credits): This course discusses diagnosis, theory, and treatment of voice disorders (including those that are organic, neurogenic, psychogenic, and functional). The course examines implications for clinical practice across varied cultural populations.

Motor Speech and Cognitive-Communication Disorders (3 credits): An examination of motor speech disorders, both developmental and acquired. Students will learn about apraxia of speech and dysarthria. This course also examines cognitive-communication disorders, such as TBI and dementia, including an emphasis on the etiology, characteristics, and treatment of such disorders.

Tuition: $69,935.00. Total program cost (including other fees, books, and expenses): $76.385.00

Unique offering: In-person residencies are available at three locations throughout the U.S. (Austin, TX, Dallas, TX, and San Marcos, CA)

Yeshiva University Katz School of SLP: Master of Science (MS)

New York, NY

Program Length: 5 semesters (full time) or 8 semesters (part-time)

Starts: Fall

Campus visit/clinical requirements: No residency requirements. A minimum of 400 supervised clinical contact hours required in a range of settings, including schools, skilled nursing facilities, private practices, specialty clinics, evaluation centers and hospitals.


Geriatric Dysphagia & Airway Management: Students learn about the assessment and management of swallowing and airway protection. This course examines track care and focuses on the multidisciplinary approach needed for determining safe swallowing function.

Neuromotor Speech Disorders: In this course, students explore the neural anatomy of speech. Motor speech disorders such as dysarthria and apraxia are examined, including their assessment and treatment.

Counseling and Communicating with Patients and Families: Students will engage in comprehensive discussions regarding skills needed to communicate and counsel patients with communication disorders and their families. This includes ethical practice, effective interactions, and culturally sensitive practices.

Tuition: $11,654/semester (Part time)

Unique offering: Medical focus across the lifespan

Western Kentucky University: Master of Science (MS) in Speech-Language Pathology

Bowling Green, KY

Program Length:

Starts: Fall

Campus visit/clinical requirements: A 6-week summer internship in Bowling Green, KY is required before starting clinical externships in students’ local community or other locations. A minimum of 400 clinical hours are required.

Courses: Classes meet online (synchronous lectures) in evenings. A total of 60 course credits are required.

Early Intervention in Speech-Language Pathology (3 credits): Students learn about assessment and intervention practice in infants/toddlers with speech and language disorders.

Orofacial Anomalies (3 credits): This course explores the etiology, diagnosis, and management of communication disorders related to cleft palate and other cranofacial anomalies.

Fluency Disorders (3 credits): Students will learn about the prevention, assessment, and intervention of stuttering and other fluency disorders across the lifespan.

Tuition: Approximately $45,000

Unique offering: Ranked #4 for Best Speech Pathology Programs Online: Top Master’s Programs of 2023 by Forbes Advisor.

West Virginia University: Master of Science (MS) in Speech-Language Pathology

Morgantown, WV

Program Length: 10 semesters (part time for some semesters and full time for others)

Starts: Summer

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Periodic on-campus activities required. Students work as an SLP-A (Speech-Language Pathology Assistant) in the West Virginia Schools as they complete online coursework. 400 supervised clinical clock hours are required.

Courses: A minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0 is required

Audiological Foundations (2 credit hours): This course explores screening of hearing and the assessment and treatment of speech and language disorders in individuals with hearing loss.

Augmentative/Alternative Communication (3 credits): Students learn about AAC options for individuals with communication disorders. This course explores the assessment and treatment of

Tuition: $13,446 (non-resident), $4,770 (resident)

Unique offering: Students work as an SLP-A in West Virginia Schools while completing online coursework.

University of Wisconsin, Eau Claire: Master of Science (MS) in Speech-Language Pathology

Eau Claire, WI

Program Length: 3 years (part-time)

Starts: June

Campus visit/clinical requirements: One week residency periods required each summer during the program. Students are also encouraged to be present on campus 2-3 days at the end of the program to complete program/certification requirements.

Courses: Students register for 2-6 credits each semester. A total of 54 credits are required (40 credit hours of coursework, 14 credit hours of clinical practicum)

Aphasia and Related Disorders (3 credits): This course explores the diagnosis and treatment of different classifications of aphasia, as well as related language disorders.

Research Procedures in CSD (2 credits): This course examines research procedures within the field of speech pathology. Procedures for clinical application of research is reviewed.

Acquired Cognitive Communication Disorders (3 credits): Students will learn about cognitive communication disorders acquired through TBI, dementias, and right hemisphere brain damage (RHBD). Assessment and intervention principles and practices for these populations is discussed.

Tuition: Approximately $715 per credit ($38,610 total)

Unique offering: Research opportunities in collaboration with faculty are available.

University of North Carolina, Greensboro: Master of Arts (MA) in Speech-Language Pathology

Greensboro, NC

Program Length: 5 semesters (full time)

Starts: Fall

Campus visit/clinical requirements: No on-campus requirements listed. Clinical experiences provided to meet requirements for state licensure and ASHA certification. Potential sites include early intervention programs, rehabilitation centers, and hospitals.

Courses: 66 credit hours total, primarily through asynchronous coursework and a variety of clinical placement settings.

Language Learning Disabilities (3 credits): This course provides students with the knowledge needed to understand, evaluate, and provide intervention for adults with acquired language disorders. Case studies, theoretical models, and research are presented to students.

Seminar in Medical Aspects of SLP (3 credits): Students will learn about aspects of the medical area of speech language pathology. This course will examine the role of the SLP in medical settings, working with individuals with medical diagnoses and surgical procedures.

Clinical Foundations in Speech Language Pathology (3 credits): This course examines the clinical processes involved in evaluating and providing treatment for individuals with communication disorders.

Tuition: In state: $6,422. Out-of-state: $21,137.

Unique offering: Emphasizes cultivating necessary skills and knowledge for graduates to actively contribute and make changes within their community.

University of Northern Colorado: Master of Arts (MA) in Speech-Language Pathology

Greenley, CO

Program Length: 3 years

Starts: Fall

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Required 2-3 week-long on-campus class meetings take place over the student’s first summer of the program. A 12-week full time internship in a medical setting is required during the last semester (summer) of the program. Students obtain clinical hours through employment as a Speech-Language Pathology Assistant (SLPA).

Courses: 61-69 credit hours are required. SLP undergraduate leveling courses are available online for students who do not have a Bachelor’s degree in communication disorders.

Articulation and Phonological Disorders in Children (3 credits): Students learn about speech production disorders in children. This courses explores the cognitive, linguistic, and biological systems that influence speech production skills.

Feeding and Swallowing Disorders: Lifespan (2 credits): In this course, students learn about typical and disordered swallowing functions in children and adults. Students will explore the diagnosis of dysphagia and clinical management.

Disorders of Language and Literacy: School-Age and Adolescent: This course provides a comprehensive study of disordered oral language, written expression, and reading in school-age children and adolescents. Students will learn about typical and disordered development in these areas, and explore assessment and intervention.

Tuition: $662 per credit hour (both in-state and out-of-state) (61-69 credits required), totaling $40,382-$45,678

Unique offering: A clinician-researcher model is used to prepare students to become life-long learners, as well as to develop a strong foundation in academic and evidence-based practice (EBP).

University of Nebraska, Kearney: Master of Education (MEd) in Speech-Language Pathology

Kearney, NE

Program Length: 3 years

Starts: Fall

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Students complete an online practicum course and obtain the clinical hours required by ASHA through off campus practicum placements that meet the program’s requirements.

Courses: 56 credit hours (9 semesters, part-time)

Infant-Preschool Assessment and Intervention (3 credits): In this course, students have the opportunity to learn about a multidisciplinary model of assessing children between the ages of 0-5, and working with the families of these children in an assessment.

Professional Issues (3 credits): In this course, students will explore information about federal and state guidelines, and professional regulations, in order to prepare for a career as an SLP. This course provides information about the SLP’s rights and responsibilities within a variety of clinical settings.

Voice and Resonance Disorders (3 credits): Students will learn about the symptoms and etiology of choice and resonance disorders. Cleft lip and palate and other craniofacial anomalies are discussed, including procedures for assessment and therapy of communication disorders within this population.

Tuition: $776 per credit hour (approximately $43,456 total)

Unique offering: Small class sizes and a high number of courses offered.

University of Cincinnati: Master of Arts (MA) in Speech-Language Pathology

Cincinnati, OH

Program Length: 3 years (8 semesters)

Starts: January

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Students are required to live within 4 hours of driving distance to the University of Cincinnati to qualify for the online program.

Courses: Part-time study.

Language Disorders in Later Childhood (3 credits): In this course, students learn about disorders of language that can occur during the period of late childhood.

Speech Sound Disorders (3 credits): Students will learn about disorders impacting individual’s production of speech sounds, including articulation disorders and phonological disorders.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (3 credits): A study of AAC; augmentative and alternative communication for individuals with language impairments.

Tuition: $746 per credit hour (Ohio residents). Metropolitan non-residents pay a surcharge of $25 per credit hour and out-of-state students pay a surcharge of $15 per credit hour. Minimum of 65 credits required for the program.

Unique offering: The UC online MA program is part of a collaboration with The University of Akron. Some equivalent courses are taken through the University at Akron.

Tennessee State University: Master of Science (MS) in Speech-Language Pathology

Nashville, TN

Program Length: 5 semesters

Starts: Spring Semester of every odd year

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Clinical requirements meet ASHA guidelines

Courses: 53 credit hours

Neuroanatomy & Neurophysiology (3 credits): A study of the anatomy and physiology of the neurological system.

Phonetics (3 credits): Students learn about the characteristics of sounds in American English, and learn to differentiate between phonetic and orthographic symbols. This course explores transcription of phonetics.

Neurogenic (Motor Speech Disorders) (3 credits): A study of characteristics and the diagnosis of motor speech disorders, such as Apraxia of speech.

Tuition: $822 per credit hour, with a changing rate depending on the number of credits taken.

Unique offering: Areas of research include cognitive communication, language, and neurogenic speech and language disorders.

Pennsylvania Western University: Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Speech-Language Pathology

California, PA

Program Length: 2 semesters

Starts: Fall

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Clinical requirements meet ASHA guidelines

Courses: 24 credit hours (8, 3-credit classes) required. This certificate allows students with a bachelor’s degree in a field outside of communication sciences and disorders to take the require prerequisite courses for pursuing acceptance into an SLP Masters program.

Speech & Language Development (3 credits): This course provides and introduction to the typical of speech and language skills in children. The course will explore foundations of speech and language acquisitions, and methods for facilitating typical communication skills.

Neuroanatomy for the SLP (3 credits): Students will learn about normal neuroanatomy and physiology that underlies speech and language. This course discusses the nervous system, and disturbances in communication abilities due to defects, injury, and disease.

Speech Science (3 credits): This course discusses speech mechanism models. Students will learn about the normal acoustics and physiology involved in the production of speech.

Tuition: $11,442 for PA Residents, $16,198 for Non-PA Residents

Unique offering: Study abroad opportunities offered in Belize and Spain through the Masters program at Pennsylvania West University.

Maryville University: Master of Science (MS) in Speech-Language Pathology

St. Louis, Missouri

Program Length: 19 courses

Starts: Not listed

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Clinical requirements meet ASHA guidelines

Courses: 57 credit hours

Acquired Disorders of Language and Cognition (3 credits): Students learn about the etiology and characteristics of neurologically based language disorders and cognitive disorders. This includes conditions such as aphasia, TBI, and dementia.

Speech Sound Disorders (3 credits): In this course, students explore the characteristics of phonological disorders, including assessment and intervention methods.

Multicultural Issues in Communication Sciences and Disorders (2 credits): students learn about the effect of cultural and linguistic diversity on assessment and intervention in speech pathology. Students will become more competent to work with clients and co-workers who come from diverse backgrounds, by learning about different cultural practices.

Tuition: $858 per credit (approximately $48,906)

Unique offering: The program is designed based on the Big 9 areas of expected competencies established by ASHA and the CAA.

Idaho State University: Master of Science (MS) in Speech-Language Pathology

Pocatello, Idaho

Program Length: 3 years, part time

Starts: Fall semester

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Clinical requirements meet ASHA guidelines

Courses: 60-63 credit hours required in Online Course Sequence (OLSP) (5-8 credits taken per semester)

Disorders of Swallowing (3 credits): A study of normal and disordered swallowing functions (dysphagia).

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (3 credits): Students will learn about AAC/Augmentative and Alternative Communication methods, and about individuals who may benefit from AAC for communication.

Craniofacial Anomalies (2 credits): An exploration of craniofacial anomalies such as cleft palate and cleft lip, and the relevance for the SLP.

Tuition: $964 per credit hour (approximately $57,840 for program total)

Unique offering: Thesis or non-thesis option. For non-thesis option, elective courses include Telehealth for SLP and Medical/School Practice in Speech-Language Pathology. Spanish Certificate and Geriatric Certificate available

Florida State University: Master of Science (MS) in Speech-Language Pathology

Tallahassee, FL

Program Length: 3 years (9 semesters)

Starts: Fall

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Students must reside in Florida to complete the program due to the location of practicum placements, which is done in conjunction with online academic coursework.

Courses: 40 credits of academic courses, 5 credits of clinical/professional courses, 16 credits of clinical practicum courses

Autism and Severe Communication Disabilities

Seminar in Language: Aphasia

Communication Intervention: Infants and Preschoolers

Tuition: $444.26 per credit hour (in-state rate), approximately $26,099.86 plus additional fees

Unique offering: Students can participate in specialty labs and research centers such as: FSU Aphasia Research Laboratory, School-based Practices, Effectiveness and Research (SPEAR) lab, AAC Connect Lab, Arabic Language and Literacy (ALL) Lab, Motor Speech Disorders Lab (MSDLab)

Faulkner University: Master of Arts (MA) in Speech-Language Pathology

Montgomery, AL

Program Length: 2 years (full time option) or 3 years (part time option)

Starts: Fall semester

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Students are required to attend a 1-week, in person immersion session in the summer during the first year of study (full time students) or second year of study (part time students). 400+ supervised clinical clock hours required.

Courses: 66 total credits required.

Fluency (2 credits): Explores fluency disorders such as stuttering, including etiology, assessment, and intervention.

Autism and Social Communication (2 credits): A study of autism spectrum disorder and the nature of social communication.

Dysphagia (adult) (3 credits): This course explores normal and disordered swallowing functioning (dysphagia) in the adult population, including etiology, assessment, and intervention.

Tuition: $675 per semester hour plus fees, totaling approximately $53,700 for the program.

Unique offering: Faulkner University is a Christian University and approaches speech language pathology from a Christian worldview and Biblical perspective. Students gain clinical experience by participating in Simucase assignments.

Faulkner University: Online Leveling Courses in Speech-Language Pathology

Montgomery, AL

Program Length: 2 semesters

Starts: Fall Semester

Campus visit/clinical requirements:

Courses: 7 courses, which are offered in an 8-week format

Language Development


Introduction to Audiology

Tuition: $675 per semester hour

Unique offering: Leveling courses are offered to students without a Bachelor’s degree in communication sciences and disorders who intend to pursue a graduate SLP degree.

East Carolina University: Master of Science (MS) in Speech-Language Pathology

Greenville, NC

Program Length: 3 years (part time)

Starts: Fall semester

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Students must live at least 75 miles outside of Greenville, NC to qualify for the Distance Education program. Clinical practicums are completed in the area where the student resides.

Courses: 2 courses taken and a clinical internship per semester

Articulation/Phonological Disorders (3 credits): Students will learn about articulation disorders and phonological disorders, including the assessment procedures, technology, and research related to these disorders.

Stuttering /Fluency Disorders (3 credits): This course discusses the etiology of fluency disorders such as stuttering, as well as assessment procedures, counseling, and research of fluency disorders in children and adults.

Multicultural Communication Disorders (3 credits): Students will learn about variations of speech and language in bilingual individuals, multicultural populations, and those with regional dialects or foreign accents. The course focuses on procedures for assessment and intervention in multicultural populations.

Tuition: Approximately $289.55 per credit hour (residents) and $1,020.05 per credit hour (non-residents). Credit hour billing capped at 9 credit hours for graduate students.

Unique offering: Thesis and non-thesis options available

Emerson College: Master of Science (MS) in Speech-Language Pathology

Boston, MA

Program Length: 20 months (5 term track) or 36 months (9 term track).

Starts: January, May, and September (3 cohorts offered each year). Rolling admissions.

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Two on-campus immersions in Boston are required.

Courses: Foundational (undergraduate) courses (18 credits total) are offered to graduate students who do not have a background in speech-language pathology or are unable to waive these courses. 54 Credits are required to complete the program online.

Autism: Social Communication Development and Disorder (3 credits): Students are given an overview of autism spectrum disorder, including the identifying characteristics, diagnosis, and treatment. This course reviews social communication development and the impact of these skills on peer relationships, cognition, and language.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (3 credits): An overview of AAC systems is discussed. This course covers procedures for selecting and implementing AAC with children and adults.

Language and Communication in Deaf and Hard of Hearing Individuals (3 credits): Students will gain an understanding of the field of audiology as it relates to speech-language pathologists’ practice. This course will discuss techniques for audiological testing and screening, how to interpret results of audiology testing, and methods for habilitation and rehabilitation.

Tuition: $75,708 minimum if no foundational courses are needed. $100,944 minimum if applicant is required to enroll in all 6 foundational courses. Tuition is $1,402 per credit. Additional fees each semester are required for items such as test protocols, an enrollment deposit, and travel expenses for on-campus immersions.

Unique offering: Students can graduate in a few as 20 months. Emerson has been ranked #32 for best speech pathologist program.

Delaware Valley University: Master of Science (MS) in Speech-Language Pathology

Doylestown, PA

Program Length: 2 academic years (5 full-time semesters)

Starts: Fall semester

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Courses are taken 100% online. Clinical requirements meet ASHA guidelines

Courses: 59 total credit hours required

Phonetics (3 credits): This course introduces students to articulatory phonetics, the IPA and transcription of speech. Students will learn about atypical transcription of speech and how to read spectrograms for clinical and research purposes.

Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) (3 credits): In this course, students learn about non-speech communication, including types of AAC aids and symbol systems. Assessment and intervention techniques for working with individuals who use AAC is discussed.

Speech and Hearing Science (3 credits): Students will learn about speech production and perception, as well as basic acoustics and psychoacoustics as they relate to speech and hearing science.

Tuition: $1,385 per credit in addition to other fees

Unique offering: 4:1 student-faculty ratio. Courses on AAC, Bilingualism, Voice, and Autism offered.

Calvin University: Master of Arts (MA) in Speech-Language Pathology

Grand Rapids, Michigan

Program Length: 6 semesters

Starts: Fall semester

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Clinical requirements meet ASHA guidelines

Courses: 21 courses (72 total credit hours)

Autism Spectrum Disorder (2 credits): In this seminar, students learn about assessment and intervention practices for working within individuals with autism spectrum disorders within a variety of settings.

Cleft and Craniofacial Disorders (2 credits): This course explores the etiology, presentation, assessment, and intervention of cleft lip and/or palate and other craniofacial syndromes seen in the pediatric population. Students will learn about how these syndromes affect speech, language, swallowing, and hearing.

Neurocognitive Communication Disorders (4 credits): Students learn about communication disorders associated with acquired cognitive impairments such as TBI and Dementia. This course explores the characteristics, etiology, assessment, and treatment of these disorders in adults.

Tuition: $66,240 (plus additional fees) ($920 per credit hour)

Unique offering: Speech language pathology treatment is provided within a supporting framework of reformed Christian faith. Neurorehabilitative clinic and Bilingual clinical practicum placements available.

Baylor University: Master of Science (MS) in Speech-Language Pathology

Waco, TX

Program Length: 5 trimesters (approximately 20 months) (full time) or 7-11 trimesters (approximately 28 months) (part time)

Starts: Fall, Spring, or Summer

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Clinical requirements meet ASHA guidelines (students complete a minimum of 400 clinical hours at placement sites). Courses are taken from live instructors in the evenings.

Courses: 45 credits

School-Age Language and Literacy Disorders (elective) (3 credits): This course presents research on language and literacy disorders. Students explore the prevention, diagnostic evaluation, and intervention of language and reading disorders.

Diagnosis and Treatment of Dysphagia (3 credits): Students will learn about the nature of swallowing, etiology of swallowing disorders, and the assessment and management of dysphagia.

Birth to Five Language Disorders (3 credits): In this course, students participate in a study of impairments in language in the pediatric population, focusing on children between birth and five years-old.

Tuition: $2,000 per credit hour

Unique offering: Study abroad opportunity in Rwanda

Albizu University Miami Campus: Master of Science (MS) in Speech-Language Pathology

Doral, FL

Program Length: 8 semesters

Starts: Not listed

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Clinical practicum experiences are completed at healthcare facilities or educational settings in the student’s state of residency.

Courses: 60 total credit hours required

Ethics and Legal Aspects in Health Professions (3 credits): Students learn about ethical and legal principles that are applied to the profession of speech-language pathology, including the ASHA Code of Ethics.

Fluency Disorders: Assessment and Treatment (3 credits): In this course, students study fluency disorders such as stuttering, including standardized tests/assessment procedures, differential diagnosis, and treatment in children and adults.

Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism (3 credits): This course explores the anatomy and physiology of the speech and hearing mechanism. This includes the nervous, articulatory, hearing, phonatory, and respiratory systems of the body.

Tuition: $650 per credit (approximately $39,000 total) plus fees

Unique offering: Multicultural emphasis

James Madison University: Master of Science (MS) in Speech-Language Pathology

Harrisonburg, VA

Program Length: 3 years (students take 2 to 3 courses per semester)

Starts: June (admission cycle opens in the Fall every 2 years)

Campus visit/clinical requirements: Students complete a minimum of 375 supervised clinical hours, which can be off-campus. Attendance of a 2-day, face-to-face on campus orientation is required. Students must also participate in a 6-week clinical placement located on the JMU Harrisonburg, VA campus.

Courses: A minimum of 45 total credit hours are required

Autism (2 credits): This course explores the demographics of autism spectrum disorders. It includes a study of assessment and intervention procedures, as well as the role of the SLP as part of a multidisciplinary care team.

Birth to Five: Language Development and Disorders (3 credits): A study of emergent literacy skills and language development and disorders of both within the pediatric population, specifically ages 0-5 years-old. This course explores prevention, screening, evaluation, and therapy strategies for this population.

Pediatric Dysphagia (1 credit): This course discusses feeding and swallowing disorders within the pediatric population, including evaluation procedures and management techniques.

Tuition: $23,085 (in-state), $57,240 (out of state)

Unique offering: Designed for adults learners with career and family responsibilities and those who are changing careers or do not have an academic background in speech-language pathology.

Why is ASHA CAA Accreditation Important?

American Speech-Language-Hearing Association (ASHA)Accreditation from the American Speech-Language Hearing Association (ASHA) Council on Academic Accreditation (CAA) holds significant importance for academic performance in the field of speech-language pathology and audiology.

ASHA CAA accreditation ensures that the program meets rigorous standards of quality and excellence. The CAA accreditation validates that the program has undergone a comprehensive evaluation process and that it has demonstrates a commitment to providing high-quality education and training to students within the field. The accreditation provides assurance to students that they will receive a comprehensive curriculum that is up to date, that the faculty providing instruction is experienced and knowledgable, and that there will opportunities to engage in clinical experiences that align with ASHA’s professional standards.

ASHA CAA accreditation also enhances the credibility and reputation of the academic program. CAA accreditation signifies that the program has me the standards required to be recognized by ASHA, a reputable professional organization. Attending an ASHA CAA accredited program can reflect positively upon the student. Once the student enters the field of speech-language pathology after graduation, graduation from an ASHA CAA accredited program can assure potential employers, clients, and caregivers that the SLP has received a high quality education and participated in rigorous clinical trainings.